---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 README for Product Support July 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996 This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 documentation. ------------------------ How to Use This Document ------------------------ To view Support.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Support.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS --------- Product Support Within the United States and Canada Microsoft AnswerPoint Information Services AnswerPoint Standard AnswerPoint Priority Text Telephone Product Support Worldwide Microsoft TechNet, Technical Information Network --------------------------------------------------- Product Support Within the United States and Canada --------------------------------------------------- Microsoft AnswerPoint --------------------- In the event you cannot install Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, please refer to the support offerings below. Microsoft's support offerings range from no-cost and low-cost online information services (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to annual support plans. Please check the Technical Support section in online Help for detailed information. Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice. Information Services AnswerPoint Information Services provides you with easy access to the latest technical and support information for Microsoft products. You can access a variety of low and no cost Information Services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Internet services (World Wide Web and FTP sites): Access the Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions, Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer-to- customer newsgroups, and other technical information on our Internet sites. * The World Wide Web site is located at http://www.microsoft.com * The FTP site is located at ftp.microsoft.com The Microsoft Network (MSN) and other online services: Access the Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions, Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer-to- customer Bulletin Board Services, and other technical information on MSN and other online services. To access Microsoft services on MSN, choose Go To Other Location from the Edit menu and type MSSUPPORT. Microsoft TechNet: CD-ROM based Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource for fast complete answers to technical questions on Microsoft desktop and systems products. For more information or to subscribe to Microsoft TechNet, call (800) 344-2121. Microsoft Developer Network Library (MSDN): CD-ROM based MSDN is the comprehensive source of programming information and toolkits for those who write applications for the Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT operating systems, or use Microsoft products for development purposes. For more information or to subscribe, call (800) 759-5474. Microsoft Download Service (MSDL): Direct modem access to a variety of technical information is available on MSDL by dialing (206) 936-6735. Connect information: 1200, 2400, 9600, or 14400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. Microsoft FastTips: This automated service provides quick answers to your common technical questions via an automated toll-free telephone number, fax, or mail. To access FastTips or to receive a map and catalog, call the following FastTips numbers: Desktop applications: (800) 936-4100 Development products: (800) 936-4300 Desktop Systems products: (800) 936-4200 Business Systems: (800) 936-4400 AnswerPoint Standard -------------------- No-charge support from Microsoft support engineers is available via a toll call between 6:00 A.M and 6:00 P.M. Pacific time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. In Canada, call between 8:00 A.M and 8:00 P.M. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This support is available for 90 days after you make your first call. * In the United States, for Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, call (206) 635-7123. * In Canada, for technical support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, call (905) 568-3503. Note Standard support for personal operating systems products excludes technical support for connectivity issues. Connectivity issues are defined as setup, configuration, or usage of a Microsoft personal operating system or business system in a networked environment, dial-up networking, faxing, connectivity using a null modem cable, and so on. This includes, but is not restricted to: setting up a computer to be used in a networked environment, network administration, dialing in to a computer, connecting to the Internet via a service provider, and using e-mail or fax from within a Microsoft systems product. Questions regarding usage of the Internet Explorer, independent of the connection to a service provider, are not considered connectivity issues and are no-charge. AnswerPoint Priority -------------------- Microsoft AnswerPoint offers priority telephone access to Microsoft support engineers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding holidays, in the U.S. In Canada, the hours are from 6:00 A.M to midnight, 7 days a week, excluding holidays. * In the United States, call (900) 555-2000; $35 (U.S.) per incident. Charges appear on your telephone bill. Not available in Canada. * In the United States, call (800) 936-5700, at $35 (U.S.) per incident; in Canada, call (800) 668-7975, at $50 (CDN) per incident. These services are billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card. For more information about Priority support offerings, including annual contracts, call Microsoft Support Sales at (800) 936-3500. --------------- Text Telephone --------------- Microsoft text telephone (TT/TDD) services are available for the deaf or hard- of-hearing. In the United States, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (206) 635-4948. In Canada, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (905) 568-9641. ------------------------- Product Support Worldwide ------------------------- The following list contains Microsoft subsidiary offices and the countries they serve. If there is no Microsoft office in your country, please contact the establishment from which you purchased your Microsoft product. This list provides only basic technical support phone and fax numbers; other services such as BBS and sales numbers may be available. For additional subsidiary information, check the Product Support Services Worldwide section in online Help. When you call, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand. Please follow the guidelines listed above under "Standard Support." Area Telephone Numbers ------------------------------------------------- Argentina Microsoft de Argentina S.A. Technical Support: (54) (1) 314-0560 Australia Microsoft Pty. Ltd. Technical Support: (61) (02) 870-2131 Austria Microsoft Ges.m.b.H. Standard Support: Installation and Handling Windows: 0660-6510 *** General information about the Microsoft support in Central Europe: Fax: 0049/2622/167006 Belgium Microsoft NV Technical Support: +32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch-speaking) +32-2-502 34 32 (English-speaking) +32-2-513 22 68 (French-speaking) Bolivia See Argentina Brazil Microsoft Informatica Ltda. Technical Support: (55) (11) 871-0090 Canada Microsoft Canada Inc. Microsoft Support Network: Standard Technical Support Phone: 1 (905) 568-3503 Priority Support Information: 1 (800) 668-7975 Text Telephone (TT/TDD): 1 (905) 568-9641 Caribbean Microsoft Caribbean, Inc. Technical Support: (214) 714-9100 Chile Microsoft Chile S.A. Personal Operating Systems Phone: 56-2-330-6222 Colombia Microsoft Colombia Technical Support: (571) 618 2255 Czech Republic Microsoft s.r.o. *** Technical Support Phone: (+42) (2) 2451 0554 or 53 52 56 (Windows 95 only) Denmark Microsoft Denmark AS Technical Support: (45) (44) 89 01 11 Dubai Microsoft Middle East Phone: (971) 4 513 888 Ecuador Corporation Microsoft del Ecuador S.A. Technical Support: (593) (2) 463-094 England See United Kingdom Finland Microsoft OY Product Support: (358) (90) 525 502 500 For Technical Support, please contact your local dealer. France Microsoft France Technical Support: (33) (1) 69-86-10-20 French Polynesia See France Germany Microsoft GmbH Standard Support: Installation and Handling Windows: 089-3176-1110 Windows 95: 089-3176-1115 *** General information about the Microsoft support in Central Europe: Fax: 02622/167006 Greece *** Microsoft Phone: (30)(1) 6806-775 Hong Kong Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd. Technical Support: (852) 2804-4222 Hungary Microsoft Hungary *** Phone: (+36) (1) 267 4636 Iceland See Denmark India Microsoft India Phone: (01) (91) 646 0694, 646 0767, 646 0813 Indonesia Indonesia - Jakarta Technical Support: Phone: (6221) 572-1060 Fax: (6221) 573-2077 Ireland See United Kingdom Israel Microsoft Israel Ltd. Phone: 972-3-613-0833 Italy Microsoft SpA Technical Support: (39) (2) 7039-8351 Japan Microsoft Company Ltd. *** Technical Support: (81)(424) 41-8700 *** Support Sales: 0120-37-0196 Korea *** Microsoft CH Technical Support: (82)(2) 563-0054 Latin America Microsoft Latin American Headquarters Technical Support: (214) 714-9100 Liechtenstein See Switzerland (German-speaking) Luxembourg Microsoft NV Technical Support: +32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch-speaking) +32+2-502 34 32 (English-speaking) +32+2-513 22 68 (French-speaking) Malaysia *** Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (60-3) 793-9595 Mexico Microsoft Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Technical Support: Operating Systems: (52) (5) 325-0912 Netherlands Microsoft BV Technical Support: 023-5677877 (Dutch-speaking) 023-5677853 (English-speaking) New Zealand Microsoft New Zealand Ltd. Technical Support: Phone: 64 (9) 357-5575 Northern Ireland See United Kingdom Norway Microsoft Norway AS Technical Support: (47) (22) 02 25 50 Papua New Guinea See Australia Paraguay See Argentina Peru See Latin America Phillippines Phone: (632) 811-0062 Technical Support: Phone: (632) 892-2295/2495 Poland Microsoft Sp.z o.o. Technical Support: (+48) (2) 6216793, (+48) (71) 441357 Portugal Microsoft, Lda. Technical Support: (351) 1 4409280, 81, 82, or 83 Republic of China Microsoft Taiwan Corp. Technical Support: (886) (2) 508-9501 Republic of Ireland See United Kingdom Russia Microsoft A/O Fax: (+7) (502) 224 50 45 Scotland See United Kingdom Singapore Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd. Technical Support: Phone: (65) 337-9946 Slovenia/Slovenija Microsoft d.o.o Technical Support: +386 61 123 23 54, +386 64 331 020 Slovak Republic Microsoft Slovakia s.r.o. Technical Support: (+42) (7) 312083 South Africa Microsoft South Africa Technical Support *** (Toll Free): 0 802 11 11 04 (Toll): (2) 11 445 0100 Spain Microsoft Iberica SRL Technical Support: (34) (1) 807-9960 Sweden Microsoft AB Product Support: (46) (0) 8-752 09 29 Information about Technical Support: (46) (0) 8 752 09 29 Switzerland Microsoft AG Phone: 01-839 61 11 Technical Support (French-speaking): 022-738 96 88 General information about the Microsoft *** support in Central Europe: Fax: 0049-2622-167006 Thailand Microsoft Thailand Ltd. Technical Support: Phone: (662) 632-0360, 61, 62, 63 Turkey *** Microsoft Turkey (90) 212 2585998 United Kingdom Microsoft Ltd. Product Support Services Telephone Support: Personal Operating Systems: (01734) 271000 Advanced Systems Support: (01734) 270007 Microsoft Ltd. *** Phone: (01734) 271007 Uruguay Technical Support: (598) (2) 77-4934 Venezuela Corporation MS 90 de Venezuela S.A. *** Technical Support: (582) 265-4337 Wales See United Kingdom Microsoft TechNet, Technical Information Network ------------------------------------------------ Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource for fast, complete answers to technical questions on Microsoft systems and desktop products. Information available on TechNet ranges from crucial data on client-server and workgroup computing, systems platforms, and database products, to the latest on support for Microsoft Windows- and Macintosh-based applications. As a TechNet user you receive: * Twelve monthly compact discs containing the Microsoft Knowledge Base, Microsoft operating systems product resource kits, customer solutions, key Microsoft conference session notes, and other valuable information * Twelve monthly supplemental (drivers and patches) compact discs containing the Microsoft Software Library * A dedicated Microsoft TechNet forum on CompuServe (GO TECHNET) * WinCIM, a Windows-based application for accessing CompuServe * A 20 percent discount on Microsoft Press books For more information about Microsoft TechNet, in the United States and Canada, call (800) 344-2121, between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Central time, Monday through Friday. Outside the U.S. and Canada, contact your Microsoft Subsidiary, or call (303) 684-0914.